
The Activation of the Golden Age

I regularly have to smile about myself when I am again “guilty” of thinking I am making a choice from personality layers, when in retrospect it turns out that my Higher Self was behind it after all. It is still a challenge for me to fully recognize and acknowledge that my doings are already largely directed by my Higher Self.


The Software of our Personal Reality

We all know it, our perception creates our reality, and the outer world is a reflection of our inner world. Life is one big self-fulfilling prophecy. What we believe to be true becomes true. We attract what we put out. We are the magnet, and the mirror provides. What we think we deserve, consciously and unconsciously, comes our way naturally.


Twin Flames

Meanwhile, Karin and I also watched the twin flame documentary on Netflix. With some resistance I must say, after one episode we have had seen enough, but we finished it anyway, just to be informed. It is plain as day to me that this docu was made from the intentions of underlying, dark forces to discredit spirituality with integrity. On the one hand, the docu is awareness-raising; it helps to shed naiveté within spirituality and be thoughtful of abuses of power and “guru behavior.” On the other hand, it does the image of spirituality no good. It creates yet another barrier for many people who are just waking up and exploring spirituality to “commit” to spiritual institutions and organizations, and therefore may not do so out of caution and suspicion.


Voting or not: elections in the End Times

I hadn’t planned to write a blog on the subject, but a surprising development made it happen. I see a lot of discussion online about whether or not you should vote in the upcoming national election, especially within the “awakened” community. It is not my intention in this blog to repeat or discuss all the arguments for either choice; I am sure everyone has come across them many times. I merely hope to add a new perspective that I feel deserves to be included in the consideration of arguments. I also want to stress that I do not feel a very firm position on this, it is a complex issue in which all arguments have their merits and both choices have their legitimacy. Many realities intertwine simultaneously, and everyone’s unique perceptions have their own anchor points to be respected.


Participating in Collective Meditations

Dear people, in response to a question I received from someone about whether one should participate in collective meditations, I decided to write a blog about it. It’s a topic I’ve considered devoting a blog to before because I’ve read fairly often anyway how people don’t support it. My position is that it is ALWAYS a good idea to participate in collective meditations. There are a number of nuances and considerations at play here that I want to bring to your attention with this blog.


Christianity, New Age and the End Times

The atmosphere shimmers with the energy of change and its anticipation. Everyone feels it. Lightworkers sense an approaching tipping point in the ascension process. Christians believe en masse that the End Times have arrived and that the “Rapture” is imminent. And the so-called elite know that the end of an era is approaching and feel the pinch, and are rushing ahead with their plans in a vain attempt to retain control, by tightening control over the world’s population and securing their position of power.


Ascension process, past lives and aura readings

There are currently many starseeds on Earth who have led few lives on Earth. Some of them have led only a handful of lives here, and some are even here for the first time, in service to the Divine Plan for Earth. These starseeds often have great difficulty being here, difficulty grounding properly. They have not yet become well accustomed to solid matter and friction in this compacted reality. On the other hand, they do have the advantage of thereby carrying less Earthly trauma and karma that they have to transform during the ascension process. I am not one of them.


False Geometry

Occasionally, I come across articles in social media and blogs that deal with the so-called “false geometries” used by the dark forces in the universe to create illusion matrices. And always when I read these articles and the comments below them, I feel an atmosphere of “mind over heart,” doubt and pessimism surrounding them. The stories surrounding this false geometry suggest that we are stuck here in illusory prisons, there is no way out, and the ascension process is an illusion. When people get sucked into the rabbit hole of this matter, they often seem to become disoriented and discouraged, losing faith in the Divine Plan and its success. It makes them doubt everything, all the spiritual information they have ever consumed about the ascension process. Through this blog, I want to shed new, positive light on it, based on my personal experience, divided into a number of points.


The Shadow on Iona

Since our coming together in 2012, Karin and I have been able to do a lot of light work in our meditations together. Our twin soul connection has always offered additional empowerment in that, like a “1+1=3” formula. Often it involved ascension activations in many forms and in many locations, for ourselves and for the collective, but often it also involved breaking through dark constructs within the dual Matrix on Earth, and neutralizing dark forces that were holding light forces hostage, or blocking energy flow in certain, important power places.


Love, Willpower and War

As I have written in previous blogs, in my experience we are currently in the so-called End Time, or rather Transition Time. In fact, we would now be in 2023 exactly in the beginning year of what is called the “Tribulation” (“Tribulation”). This assumes that major changes are imminent, that old systems that are based on corruption and abuse of power or otherwise no longer resonate will collapse, and that some chaos is inevitable before a new order emerges. Some of these changes will happen anyway within the context of a major, necessary cleansing and karmic settlement, but there are also circumstances that are avoidable. War is one of them.


From Duality to Triality: The Birth of the Christ Child

On my path to wholeness, I have felt a void throughout my adult life until now. Not in my heart, not in my head, but in my belly. It felt like there was a hole, an absence of consciousness. This was confirmed in 2009 by a well-known reader, he observed a black hole there. For a long time I thought this was about grounding and healing and developing the lower chakras, and focused on grounding and freeing and getting the belly chakra in particular spinning properly. And while this too certainly deserved attention, I learned only later that it was about something deeper, something was missing at the blueprint/human template level, at the creation matrix level.


Great Awakening or Great Reset?

In a galaxy not far away … there exists a planet very similar to ours. The planet has a rich, diverse nature and is inhabited by a humanoid race. In terms of evolution, society is slightly further along than humanity, and is characterized by the following features and tools:


The end times, solar storms, climate change and the elite

Although I am an spiritual optimist, at the same time I consider myself a grounded realist. My spiritual experiences over the years have not kicked the down-to-earth Rotterdam man out of me. Not words, but deeds, and just act normally, that’s crazy enough. No waffling in space without tangible results, but focus on what delivers concrete value.


Indoor gardening: Kratky Method

Dear folks, a short, earthy blog this time. 😊 My partner and I have been exploring a bit about how to live a little more self-sufficiently in terms of food. Since then we have started some small-scale activities, such as vegetable gardening according to the principles of permaculture in our garden, and “indoor gardening” indoors.


Sovereignty and dependence

Sovereignty is the magic word in the spiritual scene these days, and rightly so. The inner realization of love, truth and oneness goes hand in hand with the realization of inner freedom. And achieving true freedom is entirely dependent on realizing a healthy, intact sovereignty. If man is to regain full power, to stop giving away his power, to step out of the Matrix, to stop being energetically drained, to step into fully intact self-esteem and self-love, then a focus on sovereignty is essential.



If there is one quality central to this turbulent time, it is imagination. Where our perception determines our reality, our imagination dictates the limits of our perception. The well-known phrase “Open your mind” suggests expanding the boundaries of our perception, broadening the horizon of our vision. It is this process that humanity is currently in. Opening our minds.


The calm before the storm is over

Dear friends,

it’s been a while since I’ve posted or written a blog. I have been mostly silent and reclusive these past few months, and I have barely been on social media. It felt like we were in the stillness before the storm, and I wanted to make good use of that stillness for a while, for the sake of my inner stillness, my centering and grounding, and my health.


The 12-dimensional matrix: from slave to christ

Although in humanity’s experience the center of gravity of the ascension process is the transition from the third to the fifth dimension, there is simultaneously a much larger process going on in which humanity plays a central role. People often refer to the astronomical cycles of 2000 years and 26000 years, but we are currently at an evolutionary turning point, affecting this entire universe.


The Red Pill and the Fourth Dimension

The appearance of the Matrix movie was not just an accidental creation. It has been a carefully orchestrated project by the Spirit World to introduce new concepts into the collective, human consciousness. Through a fictional story, our mind was allowed to get used to and open to the idea that there are greater realities than those we perceive, and that there are forces at play that hold the Earth and humanity in a small, delineated illusion reality.


Open your Mind to the Inverted Matrix

We have entered an exciting phase. The Diamond Light is now flowing lavishly through the Earth Grid and the collective human consciousness, and this Light is forcing the dark forces to the surface, forcing them to make choices that will either way bring them out into the open, either through surrender or resistance through desperate actions. Their main instrument, the power of illusion, is rapidly being taken away from them.


Spiritual Calendar of the Netherlands as Guiding Country

Take heart, dear people! I have always felt and known that in the midst of a social upheaval there would be a sudden, spiritual revolution, and I now more than ever feel that it is imminent. What a wonderful time ahead of us! Everything seems to come together in the energy now.


A sober perspective on enlightenment

With the movement into the fifth dimension, the lifting of the quarantine of the Earth, and the opening of multidimensional reality, much knowledge is being released about the mechanics of multidimensional reality. Religion, spirituality, and existing ideas about spiritual growth are forced to be looked at in a new light. This knowledge comes from higher dimensions, from beyond the veils of the illusion matrix that we are now slowly stepping out of. Much of that knowledge had previously been restricted to mystical circles, mystery schools, and theosophical societies. Not coincidentally, in this particular time of transition there has been an explosion of this knowledge over the past decades thanks to the work of many incarnate lightworkers.


All-cleansing tsunami of cosmic light

Dear friends,

it is an exciting time of processing, letting go and transfiguration into becoming the new human. I’m writing less at the moment. I am continuously “energised” by high, cosmic energies. I would like to share below the beautiful experiences we had during Karin’s webinar last Thursday. Take heart, and don’t be fooled by the news, nothing is as it seems, and everything is going according to plan. I would like to invite you to participate in Karin’s webinars, they are powerful, well grounded and always attuned to the actuality of the ascension process.


The gray role of the lightworker

As far as I’m concerned, it’s about time we got a more relativized picture of the role of the lightworkers. It’s not all as black and white as is sometimes said. You often read that lightworkers have come to Earth to bring light and love. That they volunteered to incarnate here after a distress call was sent into the universe from Mother Earth requesting help. But in reality it is not that simple.


The Opening of the Path of God

It never ceases to amaze me when I see with what precise divine timing certain discoveries and finds are made, especially archaeological and scientific, and how they connect with the actuality of the awakening process of humanity. Archaeological examples include the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the discovery of the Bosnian Pyramids, and the discovery of the hidden space in the Great Pyramid of Giza in 2016, using advanced scanning technology.


Get ready for a wild ride

Take heart, dear friends. Such great things are happening right now that it is sometimes a challenge to comprehend it all. I’ve honestly been a little hesitant about making this post because of the “greatness” of the information, but I’ve decided to do it anyway, in the hopes that it will help people under the current 3D circumstances.


Earth is where the party will be

As expected, the measures have been tightened again. It helps our energetic balance when we stop being surprised, disappointed or indignant by these steps, we all know where it’s moving, and we all know it’s not about health, it’s about power.


The Light always “wins” from the Dark

Karin and I have been able to experience many meditations since 2013 in alignment with the actuality of the ascension process. In this we have experienced the most wonderful adventures. For a few months in 2015, however, virtually nothing came through. This turned out to be because we were in a process of crystallization of our physical bodies, making the veils temporarily too close for the mind’s eye to safely perceive clearly. What was allowed to come through during this period was a background setting of this crystallization process.


Switching between 3D and 5D

With the 5D Earth becoming a reality since this year, we will find ourselves in an overlap of two realities for several years to come. This report gives some more hands and feet to this energetic process, and how you can consciously tune in to it.


The Diamond Revolution begins

We feel excitement about upcoming, positive changes. As if we are approaching a tipping point. Beautiful things happen in the energy. We seem to be entering a new chapter with this equinox. Last night we, Karin Thomas and I, went into meditation to tune in to the actuality of the ascension process and the autumnal equinox. The following came through.


Aliens: are they coming to rescue us or do we have to do it ourselves?

The topic of the extraterrestrials is very actual and even the mainstream media is now feeding the idea of their existence and their presence around the Earth. Aside from the questionable intentions behind these media that presumably do this to maintain control over the narrative, this is a sign that the reality of extraterrestrial life is slowly but surely integrating into our reality. It is no coincidence that this development coincides with the increasing entry of the 5th dimension, through which we will experience more and more 5D phenomena.


A message from the Matrix

I would like to share a short video (9min.), it is a message from the Matrix. It’s meant to be inspirational and fun, it’s not literally the Matrix itself speaking. I hope you enjoy it. For a maximum experience, I recommend watching it on a large screen with the sound loud. 🙂


The collapse of the Matrix

I notice that there is still a lot of talk about the Matrix on social media and in youtube videos as if it still exists in full regalia. Although I can imagine that that perception exists if you only look at the physical dimension, given the destruction and corruption in the world at the moment, I do would like to offer a dissenting voice on this.


The dragon on Spuiplein

In 2017 I regularly walked across the Spuiplein in the center of The Hague to and from work. I didn’t realize that something under the Spuiplein had been trying to get my attention for a while.


The birth of the galactic human

I would like to share my enthusiasm for what is about to happen. Karin and I have been able to follow the movement to the 5th dimension and the New Earth fairly closely in our meditations for the past 8 years.


Healing myself as an unborn baby

During the period that my mother was pregnant with me, she experienced some strong emotions. The energy of those emotions ended up in my aura as an unborn baby and ‘sticked’. It didn’t really affect me in my youth.


My new blog

Welcome to my new blog! Since about 2015, I have not performed any website activity, nor have I written any online articles. It has been a real cocoon phase, but that is now slowly changing.


Living symbol blessing

This is a living symbol, connected to the Great Pyramid, and is empowered by Lady Gaia, Ascended Masters and Archangels. It carries diamond lightcodes that stimulate non-dual consciousness, and changes along with the actuality of the collective ascension process.


Filmscript Zeropoint

For a long time I have carried a spiritual story in my mind to write someday. This story is loosely based on many of my spiritual experiences and those of others. Initially I had the intention of publishing this in a book form, but I was ambitious and “dreaming big”. I hoped to reach, touch and inspire as many people as possible. For this reason I chose not to write a Dutch book, but to aim for the greatest reach imaginable: a hollywood film.

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