The Opening of the Path of God
- Maxim Lazet
- Multidimensionality

Some of our meditations in 2016 and 2017 highlighted the importance of discovering this hidden space in the Great Pyramid of Giza. The space was energetically connected to the 4th dimension, and held a key that had to do with the release of unconditional love on Earth, which was activated through the discovery of that hidden space. Many places and structures on Earth carry energetic blueprints and functions that represent something within ourselves. Egypt in particular represents an enormously complex, profound and multifaceted system of keys, coding and blueprints for the evolution of the Earth and humanity. The Giza plateau and Luxor are very important places, and it is what happened in Luxor recently that moved me to write this blog.
As an aside, I recently learned from a source that I sadly don’t remember, that it currently appears to be the case that if you look at our solar system from outside the solar system on an etheric level, the Earth radiates just as much light as the Sun. That’s a nice picture to keep in mind, it offers a reassuring prospect for the future… it supposes that it is only a matter of time until the light has fully permeated the physical dimension and the human, collective consciousness.
Now, 15 years later, I can fully confirm the truth behind that statement through my own experience. A large part of the meditative lightwork that Karin and I, like many other lightworkers, have been able to perform over the past ten years, has indeed been about clearing the connection between the solar plexus and the heart. Individual, collective and planetary. This is not just about personal, individual pieces, traumas or ego programming. Large force fields are active that act on the chakra systems of all people, as collective programmings, which also need to be disconnected in order to clear this connection path.
In our meditations on this we came into contact with the most diverse subjects and locations, all of which were related to this. We have learned that the road between the temples of Karnak and Luxor is a reflection of the connecting road between the solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra in man. The Temple of Karnak represents the solar plexus (the “ego center”) and the Temple of Luxor the heart. The lightwork that we were allowed to perform there, mainly focused on neutralizing duality and heaviness present in Karnak, which was well felt in the solar plexus when we were working on it. And also, the activating and liberating the energy that was carried by the temple of Luxor. The temple of Luxor carries the blueprint energy of “the new human”, the human who lives from his heart.
How wonderful timing that right now the Egyptian government has officially opened the road. Not before, and not later. To me it is physical evidence of the divine synchronicity of the ascension process, its concluding phase, and is in line with some of the developments I wrote about in previous blogs. The Ancient Egyptians called this road “The Path of God”, and it is now open again. The way from the solar plexus to the heart is open, the rose can bloom. Duality gives way to non-duality. And all this while the I AM Presence has been nesting on Earth since September, which I understand would take approximately 3 months to complete. From autumnal equinox to winter solstice. We may be heading for a divine winter.