The Activation of the Golden Age
- Maxim Lazet
- Multidimensionality

My I AM said to me last year, “Great changes are coming within, but you might not recognize them initially, because you are already so attuned to the energies.” Many lightworkers are going to live and operate more and more in a new, natural merging and oneness with their Higher Self in the coming years to bring about their mission. This means that their intuition and clairvoyance will start working so effectively that they won’t even have to think about whether they are making the right choices. It is true surrender, unaffected by fears and doubts. I notice to myself that I still have to get used to this increasing state of being, and I often attribute steps and choices to the desires and resistances of my personality, even though higher intentions are at work behind them.
Karin and I recently felt that we wanted to get to know Portugal, to live there in a possible future. We are fortunate to both be able to do our work online. And so we decided to go on a reconnaissance trip. I considered this choice to be personality-driven, stemming from a desire for a finer, quieter living environment and a warmer climate. But as we left, Spirit quickly came through with the message, “You are at the right place at the right time.” The trip turned out to be not just an exploration trip, we had lightwork to do. The trip we took was a 10-day road trip in a circular motion through central Portugal, and we have just returned home.
Just prior to our journey, the collective human consciousness received initiations into the Golden Consciousness, a deeper anchoring and embodiment of the Golden lightbody. Besides India, Portugal also appears to be an important anchoring place of the Golden energy. Portugal carries a strong Mother energy, and the Mother’s gentle energy was palpable there. I noticed that it was also easier there (as a man) to be fully present in my belly, something that is not a given in the restless energy of the Netherlands. We were allowed to draw a golden circle with our recently initiated Golden light bodies while traveling through the country, starting and ending at the Douro, the Golden River, which flows through the city of Porto. We had a beautiful exchange with the river, on the one hand we shared our codes with the water, and on the other hand we received a healing from the water of the river. The creation of this golden circle would assist in healing, empowering and activating the golden power spot that is Portugal, and especially central Portugal. The Golden energy was strongly present in and around us throughout the trip.
Part of the trip included a visit to Portugal’s highest point, the highest mountain in the Serra da Estrela region. This area is also the (only) ski resort in Portugal, and so there we were, at the absolute highest point in Portugal, meditating in the snow. It soon became a great crowd of lightbeings around us, and the golden energy increased tremendously. We were formally addressed by Spirit, and felt that something big was about to happen. We were allowed to anchor “The Keys for the Golden Age” there at that time, it turned out to be the activation of the Golden Age. We were placed in a column of Golden Light, and a great amount of golden energy came pouring down from the cosmos through us into the Earth. It was a wonderful experience, and the warmth and softness of the golden energy flow completely pushed the cold atmosphere on the mountain into the background.
At the end of the trip, we arrived at the Douro again, making contact with the river’s waters again. The golden circle was complete, and came to life. The entire area of central Portugal thus came into Golden energy. Then golden lightbridges arose from the circle to many other countries, including the Netherlands, to further spread the golden energy.
What special times we live in, dear people. The golden energy, the X solar flares and diamond dragons are flying all around us. Keep in mind that the leeway for the old, dual forces is getting smaller and smaller, and in the coming years we will inevitably move enforced by the new energies from illusion to truth, from totalitarian thinking to freedom thinking, from power to love. Let the Golden Age come!